
Το Αρσάκειο Γυμνάσιο Θεσσαλονίκης στέλνει στο Διαγωνισμό 2 συμμετοχές:
1.το ηχητικό μήνυμα με τίτλο “”Social Media””, που δημιούργησαν οι μαθητές της Α΄τάξης, Αγραφιώτη Αναστασία, Ιεροπούλου Κρίστα, Παπαθανασίου Ευθαλία, Πατσάλα Ελένη και Πράττου Ευαγγελία και

2.το τραγούδι με τίτλο “”Παραμύθια””, που δημιούργησαν οι μαθητές της Α΄τάξης του Γυμνασίου Γεωργιάδου Ελευθερία, Δημόκα Μυρτώ και Ζαγορίδης Παναγιώτης και μιλάει για τη δύναμη του παραμυθιού να πείθει για πράγματα που δεν είναι αληθινά. Οι στίχοι και η μουσική ανήκουν στην ομάδα των μαθητών.

Radio Laidos

Living memories

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Minor Asia Disaster which we commemorated in 2022, the student radio broadcast team of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki presents an eye witness account belonging to the Collective Literary & Hi …

Living testimonies


Arsakeio Junior School of Thessaloniki’ participation in KANTO NAKOYSTEI radio spot contest.

Neogragima in European School Radio-student publications on the occasion of the anniversary of 200 years since the Greek Independence Revolution in 1821 : “In the shadow of blazing memories”

The radio student team of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki present a radio broadcast based on student articles which have been published in Neografima, our school award-winning magazine. This issue (23rd) is dedicated to the anniversary of 2 …

Secrets for the environment for all people to know

The student radio broadcast team will present a tale about the environment. The tale which is entitled “Secrets for the environment for all people to know” aims to sensitize children to protect their planet configuring their own environmental awareness …

Neografima in European School Radio – “The Pandemic through children’ s eyes” [22th volume]

The radio student team of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki present a radio broadcast based on student articles published in Neografima, our school award-winning magazine. This issue (22nd) is dedicated to Covid – 19 Pandemic. Let’ s enjoy ou …

A magic journey

A song submitted by Arsakeio Junior School students for KANTO N’ AKOUSTEI 2022 Song Competition. Special thanks to Katerina and Marilena for their wonderful word! Some of the lyrics: A magic journey, In a dream on a magic carpet In the sky Next to me b …

Where else?

Arsakeio Junior High School participation in KANTO NAKOUSTEI radio spot 2022. While students are “travelling”…..

Neografima in European School Radio – student publications on the occasion of the anniversary of 200 years since the Greek Independence Revolution in 1821

The radio student team of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki presents a radio broadcast based on student articles published in Neografima, our school award-winning magazine. This issue (23rd) is dedicated to the anniversary of 200 years since …

Radio Monologues across the Aegean Sea

The radio student team of Arsakeio Secondary School of Thessaloniki present a radio broadcast based on a book which was written in the framework of the action “Monologues across the Aegean Sea”, an awareness raising project on refugees and human rights …

The tied elephant of Jorge Bukay

Arsakeio Junior High School students are presenting Jorge Bukay’ s well known story about the tied elephant. It is a really inspiring story that teaches us about the willpower of each person. Soundtrack: Ludovico Einaudi – Experience, [TPRMX] Bach – Ai …

Unforgetable distant ….webex activities in the quarantine!

Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki organised some unforgettable webex activities in the quarantine : cooking competition, cinema club and chess tournament. Let’ s listen to the students talking about the events and their experiences! Soundtrac …

Our new reality


Participation of Arsakeio Secondary School of Thessaloniki in the song contest KANTO N’ AKOUSTEI 2021. A song that gives a message to all of us about the new reality that covid-19 pandemic has revealed. On the one hand “empty streets” and “people stayi …

Educational Visits


Arsakeio Junior School student radio broadcasting team are talking us about their autumn educational visits. Let’ s listen to them! Background music: Musica Italiana – TOMMASO PERLINO [], Epic Music (2018) – ALEX_BESSS [https://w …

Elections through electronical voting system for the nomination of the 15-member Student Council


Because of the special Coronavirus Circumstances, Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki Students used electronical voting system for the nomination of the 15-member Student Council. Background music: Heart of a Lion (Leo) (2020), RENAE

Arsakeio Secondary School participation in 6th Model of United States 2020


Students of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki are talking about their participation in the 6th Model of United States Student Conference organised by Arsakeia Tositsia Schools in Patra. The Conference title was h.e.a.t. (health environment af …

The Christmas Bread (Christopsomo)

During this unpleasing period of lockdown, pupil radio team of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki felt like time travelling through the diachronic stories of Alexandros Papadiamantis, the beloved Greek writer, poet, journalist and translator. …

The are not strangers…!

Submission of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki for Radio Spot competition KANTO N’ AKOUSTEI 2021. A message from Eftychia with true feelings calling for sympathy, support and any kind of help for refugees. “They are fighting the waves” but t …


Let’ s travel to Kerkini lake and to the hospitable Kozani through Renia’ s and Hector’ s brilliant descriptions! Strong and valuable experiences from their early childhood!


Antonis’ and Irene’ s distinct traditional narrative help us travel to the traditional secret paths of Crete island and Soufli. Let’ s listen to the stories they inherited from their grandmothers!



Arsakeio Gymnasio of Thessaloniki is taking part in the contest revealing the secrets, the traditions, the fauna and the landscape of Crete, Soufli, Serres and Kozani.Narrators:Antonis Paterakis, Irene Mitakidou, Zacharenia Moldovani, Hector Emmanouil …


Το τραγούδι με τίτλο “Παραμύθια” δημιούργησαν οι μαθητές της Α΄τάξης του Γυμνασίου Γεωργιάδου Ελευθερία, Δημόκα Μυρτώ και Ζαγορίδης Παναγιώτης και μιλάει για τη δύναμη του παραμυθιού να πείθει για πράγματα που δεν είναι αληθινά. Οι στίχοι και η μουσική …

Social Media!

Tο ηχητικό μήνυμα με τίτλο “Social Media” δημιούργησαν οι μαθητές της Α΄τάξης, Αγραφιώτη Αναστασία, Ιεροπούλου Κρίστα, Παπαθανασίου Ευθαλία, Πατσάλα Ελένη και Πράττου Ευαγγελία. Η μαθητική ομάδα επέλεξε να μας ταξιδεύσει με μελωδίες στον μαγικό κόσμο τ …