Production: Arsakeio Secondary School participation in 6th Model of United States 2020


Students of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki are talking about their participation in the 6th Model of United States Student Conference organised by Arsakeia Tositsia Schools in Patra. The Conference title was h.e.a.t. (health environment affirmative action technology).
You can find more details in the link below:

Συμμετοχή μαθητών μας στο 6th ATSMUN 2020 (Web Edition)

Background music: Inti-illimani — La Partida -Traditional Chilean Folk Music, Icelandic Folk Music



Arsakeio Secondary School participation in 6th Model of United States 2020

24 vasario 2021 22:00

Students of Arsakeio Junior High School of Thessaloniki are talking about their participation in the 6th Model of United States Student Conference organised by Arsakeia Tositsia Schools in Patra. The Conference title was h.e.a.t. (health environment af …

School news