IES Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo – Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo

Land: Spain
Grade: Secondary
Skole admins


We are a public secondary school in a rural place in Spain. Our students are from 12 to 18 years old and they can study to enter the University or they can study ecologic agriculture, technology or health. Our website is


No more wars


Electronic song about peace. It was made by the students from IES Valle del Jerte (Spain) . We use a power think from Gandhi “There is no way to peace, peace is the way”. We have our school radio which is called “Radio Pikota” (https://radioedu.educare …

Skole: IES Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo – Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo