Production: No more wars


Electronic song about peace. It was made by the students from IES Valle del Jerte (Spain) . We use a power think from Gandhi “There is no way to peace, peace is the way”. We have our school radio which is called “Radio Pikota” ( and we use it in the class.


Skole: IES Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo– Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo


No more wars

Skole: IES Valle del Jerte Cabezuela del Valle Navaconcejo
28 januar 2023 22:00

Electronic song about peace. It was made by the students from IES Valle del Jerte (Spain) . We use a power think from Gandhi “There is no way to peace, peace is the way”. We have our school radio which is called “Radio Pikota” (https://radioedu.educare …