IES Leonardo de Chabacier – IES Leonardo de Chabacier

Country: Spain
Grade: Secondary
School admins


IES Leonardo de Chabacier
El IES Leonardo de Chabacier de Calatayud es un centro público de la zona rural de Aragón en el que imparten las etapas de Secundaria, Bachillerato y distintos Ciclos de Formación profesional de Grado Medio y Superior.


Peace would come

The lyrics of the song have been created by students of 2nd ESO D, 1st ESO A, 1st ESO B and students of universal literature 1st BTO. It is based on a poem by Gloria Fuertes, with the same name of the song which in Spanish is “Vendria la Paz”. For the …

School: IES Leonardo de Chabacier – IES Leonardo de Chabacier