
Special Vocational Educational Junior & Senior High School of Rhodes


Now its the time for Peace!

The students of ENEEGYL Rodou inspire us to change ourselves in order to change the society and the whole world. Global peace starts from ourselves and now its the time to bring peace in our lives.


The students of the Special Vocational Junior and Senior High School of Rhodes ask you to join them on a melodic journey. They dare to dream, eliminate their fears and urge you to do the same. Sadness, joy, mixed emotions compose all together the journ …


The students of the Special Vocational Junior and Senior High School of Rhodes travel with their imagination and meet their loved ones. Leisure trips, domestic trips, trips … But why are they called trips, since they are never the same?! So close you …


Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn!!Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words! Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance! Every poem has its own story…

Tags: Music,

The We of love


The students of the Special Vocational Junior and Senior High School of Rhodes have chosen to view themselves from a distance, away from their egocentric Ego. They invite us to build together a collective We, which mirrors our beautiful Ego. In that ne …


A radio show that will lead us to different music worlds with the best company. Turn on the speakers, put on your headphones and get ready for a unique music experience and many surprises. Are you “fearless” enough to follow us? Be ready guys and let t …

Tags: Music,

We are becoming one with the nature, we embrace our planet

The students of ENEΕGΥL in Rhodes inspired by their island’s environment are discussing about the extinction of the dama-dama, a rare species of deer, unique in Greece. Children are transforming in deers expressing their agony of the environmental dest …

Let’s join our voices as a shield

The students of the Special Technical Vocational School of Rhodes have joined their voices to make a shield. They encourage us to bring in our life love, friendship and respect. They urge us to defeat words of hate by standing for the rhetoric about lo …

I raise my shield against dark and bring in light

The students of the Special Technical Vocational School of Rhodes turn their voices against the dark which is created by the words of hate, they come up against in their everyday life. They use their voices as a shield to protect themselves. They exile …

Yesterday’s tradition in the spinning wheel of tomorrow

The children of the Special Vocational Junior-Senior High School of Rhodes are trying to tell us their story of how they perceive their cultural inheritance and traditions through their memories. A story about culture that shows us the importance of co …


Σπάσε την σιωπή. Μίλα! Η σιωπή άλλους τους κάνει χαρούμενους και άλλους τους πνίγει. Οι μαθητές και μαθήτριες του Ειδικού Επαγγελματικού Γυμνασίου Ρόδου εκφράζουν τα συναισθήματα που βιώνουν στη σιωπή και στο τέλος όλοι συμφωνούν ότι η σιωπή πρέπει να …

Help the ppl

Οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες του ΤΕΕ Ειδικής Αγωγής Α΄ Βαθμίδας Ρόδου επέλεξαν για το ηχητικό σποτ τους, την θεματική “Προσφυγικό / μετανάστευση / άσυλο / πόλεμος”. Εμπνευσμένοι από τις εικόνες και τα ακούσματα της επικαιρότητας και του δράματος των παι …