Country: Greece
Grade: Secondary




Climate change

The students are aware of the climate change. The suggest some solutions for it.

We say to the single use plastic

The 2nd High School of Gerakas has launched a campaign agaist single use plastic

conflict coexistence

I learn to use my “good” self to express my feelings, to manage my anger, to build bridges of communication, to have an optimistic attitude to life, to give space to other people around me.

conflict coexistence

I learn to use my “good” self, to express my feelings, to manage my anger, to build bridges of communication, to have an optimistic attitude to life, to give space to other people around me.

conflict coexistence – hate speech

Peaceful coexistence. Hate speech: what is it? How it can be treated.

Tags: Social Issues,

Four children from Zaire

Four children from Zaire just arrived in Greece. They are waiting for their Greek fathers in the airport to pick them up. Meanwhile people passing -by are using hate speech against them because of the color of their skin while others seem to be more sy …

conflict coexistence

Students of the 2nd Secondary School of Gerakas are talking about empathy and peaceful coexistence.

Tags: Social Issues,

conflict coexistence

Through cultivation of empathy and education in forgiveness anger is reduced and the emotional health of the pupils is promoted. The attitude of gratitude, the optimistic view of life, the sense of belonging, contributes to the enhancement of respect a …