Production: OKTOmisi paratetarto

Every 2 week/s Tuesday, 21:00
     13/02/2018 - 19/06/2018     


The radio club of EPAL Kryas Vrisis, titled “OKTOMmisi para tetarto”, is a large group consisting of 32 students of the first grade of Lyceum. Each radio show will be created by different groups of students, who will be keen to keep you entertained with interesting and varied themes that concern teenagers, but also,a lot of MUSIC !!!! We are waiting for you in our company



Teenagers driving illegaly

School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης Πέλλας
8 May 2018 15:00

The subject of our radio broadcast is teenagers driving illegaly. Tips and personal experiences from the children of the show themselves. With lots of music, of course … Do not miss !!!

Social Media

School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης Πέλλας
24 April 2018 15:00

Today we’ll talk about social media. We will inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of them and how social media affect our lives. With a lot of music of course… be there !!!


School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης Πέλλας
10 April 2018 18:00

The subject of our radio broadcast is the positive and negative effects of videogames on humans.Enjoy it!

Motorcycle safety

School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης Πέλλας
13 March 2018 19:00

Young people love speed and motorcycles. But how can they protect theirselves? This radio show is about safety on motorcycles. Advices and tips for teenagers to make use of their great love which is motorcycle.Enjoy it!!

Drugs and youth

School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης Πέλλας
27 February 2018 19:00

Today’s show has a drug issue. Tips and guidelines on how young people can protect and avoid the risk of drugs.

Drugs and youth

School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης Πέλλας
13 February 2018 19:00

Today’s show has a drug issue. Tips and guidelines on how young people can protect and avoid the risk of drugs.