Production: The battle of lost souls


Participation of the Music School “Nikolaos Doumbas” of Ioannina in the song contest “kanto nakoustei 2023” under the title: Youth for Peace

The battle of lost souls

They closed your minds in cages
Made you fight in mazes
Left you blind and helpless,
but will you sit down and accept it

We’re drowning in our lies
and we don’t know the reason, why
we’re killing all this world
when we could use some simple words

Now, run into the light and don’t you
ever look back
Forget the blood that shedded
And take the flower that you’re handed
Get out of that cage,
Don’t be a puppet of false rage
Rise your head already
And see the damage that you’ve made

Rise your head my soldier
Don’t give in,
In the sorrow
Leave your gun and run
And the end will start to shine

They made us blind and helpless
And we sat down and accepted
The battle of lost souls
Is imprinted in out thoughts

So run into the light
And don’t you dare to ask why
Murder is a crime
Not just by law but for your mind
Peace will be the win
And love our only wish
Take my hand dear soldier,
You can free yourself and stop it.

The role of the supervising teacher was purely auxiliary and did not interfere at all in the creative process which was entirely student effort that took place during the classes of the musical ensembles.
Supervisor of the Rock Band “Rain Angels” of the Music School of Ioannina
Michalis Vakalis



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