Production: Peace in Avakas


The spot entitled “Peace in Avakas” wants to show us that when all the important things in life such as values, ideas, friends, family and above all human life are measured and counted with numbers, then humanity is lost and with it and Peace.
The spot was created by students of the B2 section of the Informatics sector of the 3rd Vespers EPAL Larisa. The text was written by the student Panagiotis Kouris, while the video was created by Michalis Murtasagas. Panagiotis Kouris, Michalis Mourtasagas and Georgia Panagou were the directors.
Are heard in order Sevasti Varvarousi, Panagiotis Kouris, Alexia Moustaka, Michalis Mourtasagas and Kostas Limnidis. The role of teacher Anthis Goundoura was purely encouraging and coordinating.

You can see the video of the spot at

Peace in Avakas
Audio: News TV.
Voice 1: (with indignation and agony) Popo, evil destruction is done with wars. What will happen?
Voice 2nd: (confidently) 5,101,008,508 required!
Voice 3rd: (with frustration and distress) And these drugs reap.
Voice 2nd: (confidently) 5,101,008,508 needed!
Voice 4th: (with disappointment and sadness) And this world full of separations and crimes. What does he finally need?
Voice 2: (confidently) I told you, 5,101,008,508 is needed!
Voice 5th: (angry) You blew me away with that What the hell are you talking about? What is this number?
Sound: (Close theme)
Voice 2: (confidently) I’m telling you what you need is Peace!
The number is the correspondence of each letter with a number according to the Greek numbering system.
And I did this to show you that when numbers take the place of the important then the essence is lost and with it humanity.
There were also numbers of those imprisoned in the concentration camps, numbers of those who died in the war,
we have become numbers too.
And as long as this continues, this world will not find peace.
You see there was never a good war or a bad peace.
Peace then.
Peace to the peoples, peace to the homelands.
Peace in hearts, peace in dreams.
Because there is no peace without hope.
And life without hope.


School: Peace in Avakas


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