Production: A child’s dream… a man’s dream


The peace of children and poets. The students of the 6th grade of the 45th Primary School of Patras are talking to Yiannis Ritsos about Peace.
“”Peace is a carefree night’s sleep under warm blankets. Sunday morning snuggles are peace. Children’s footprints in the snow on the way to school. Snowmen and snowball fights. And the sun’s rays to caressing people’s faces, it’s peace. Peace is having your cat Dory perched on your lap. And riding on the beach in front of the sunset. Your paint-smeared fingers are peace. On the piano, with the notes of a Chopin, bringing the flowers in the yard to life. Peace is lunch with family and friends. Steamy cookies and songs of joy. Peace is surfing the bright side of the internet. Roller skating down the podium. To hit the ball with the racket and a cloud rises the excitement is peace. Peace is the bright star at the top of the tree. The “melomakarona” waiting for Santa. The sweet sound by the voices of children singing carols. Your new shoes are peace. Peace is all your mistakes that turn into a small path, for a creative tomorrow.”



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