Production: Come feel our joy


The lyrics of the song “Come feel our joy” were written in the Language lesson by the students of C1 of the Experimental Primary School of Serres. The theme of this year’s competition gave our class the opportunity to discuss values ​​and attitudes of life, solidarity, volunteerism, teamwork, cooperation, common path, common life. The music was written by the English teacher Mrs. Hara Elia. Finally, the Music teacher of our School, Mrs Eleni Matinoglou, supervised the teaching of the song and the recording. So, our participation in this year’s competition is the result of a collective effort!
“Come and feel our joy!”
All together children, me and you, me and us, strong …
let’s give a hug now!
All together children, me and you, you and me again …
let’s make stars, nest of hope!
Come and feel our joy, I, you, he and they,
come through our dreams to become all one voice.
Come and feel our joy, I, you, he and they,
come to our warmth, love, hope to be seen!



Come feel our joy

28 February 2021 00:00

The lyrics of the song “Come feel our joy” were written in the Language lesson by the students of C1 of the Experimental Primary School of Serres. The theme of this year’s competition gave our class the opportunity to discuss values ​​and attitudes of …