Production: All equal but different
This year’s group (Amalia, Giannos, Konstantinos, Maria, Fotini, Christoula, Rosa & Georgia) began in January a fiery preparation for this year’s original song contest.
We painted our fingerprint, we noticed our physical characteristics (shape & color of eyes, hair, skin), and we talked about what we like, what bothers us and offends us, and what we want to achieve. We ended up feeling like, but everybody is different and fortunately unique!
We recorded our song (Angela, Panagiotis, Stavros and Nikos sang with us. The piano played by Rossa and the guitar by Nikos) with the hope and the wish to travel as far as possible.
The responsible teachers
Kolangelou Rosa
Kolliopoulou Georgia

All equal but different
School: ΕΕΕΕΚ ΑΧΑΙΑΣThis year’s group (Amalia, Giannos, Konstantinos, Maria, Fotini, Christoula, Rosa & Georgia) began in January a fiery preparation for this year’s original song contest. We painted our fingerprint, we noticed our physical characteristics (shape …