Production: Lithuanian Tales of Magic

Every 1 week/s Monday, 14:00
     07/05/2018 - 14/05/2018     


The show is based on the recorded integrated lesson in two languages: Lithuanian and English which introduces Lithuanian tales of magic as the part of Lithuanian narrative folklore. The lesson incorporates the Lithuanian music and the narration of the tale ‘The Twelve Brothers, Twelve Black Ravens’ both in Lithuanian and English played by the students of the gymnasium.


School: Kaunas region Garliava Juozas Lukša gymnasium– Kauno rajono Garliavos Juozo Lukšos gimnazija


Lithuanian tales of magic

School: Kaunas region Garliava Juozas Lukša gymnasium
7 May 2018 11:00

The show is based on the recorded integrated lesson in two languages: Lithuanian and English which introduces Lithuanian tales of magic as the part of Lithuanian narrative folklore. The lesson incorporates the Lithuanian music and the narration of the …