I write the word peace.
The letters are correct.
Bright sunflowers.
A light that you want to go to.
How does peace smell?
It smells like sea,
clean clothes,
homemade sweets.

(refrain) Peace builds roads,
Rainbows without borders,
trips with heart as a ticket,
and stars, moons, wings.
Come to “feather” the whole world,
with care and affection.

What does peace look like?
It looks like a roller coaster,
party, waterslides,
a dance that you want to join.
What’ s the face of peace?
All of us, don’t forget!
Humans, animals, plants, a sweet melody.


We write the word “PEACE,” and emotions, smells, and memories spring up along with the letters. The children of the Private Kindergarten of the Educational Institutions of “RODION PAIDEIA” sing for peace, with their only goal to replace the borders of the earth with rainbows and embrace all creatures who live on earth with “feathers” , showing care and affection.

The “Peace” project, aimed to help children understand the meaning of peace in many ways. What behaviors cause us conflicts and tensions, and why? How do we feel when this happens? What can we do to resolve our differences?

We travelled to other countries and observed customs, dresses, food, and difficulties in survival due to drought or war. We asked ourselves what it is that all the people in the world would like. What do they truly need? What are our rights? What happens if there is a war in our country? Why do people fight? When we have war, are humans the only ones who suffer? What feelings do war and peace evoke in us? What happens to those who cannot stay in their country because it is at war or does not provide them with the necessary life supplies?

We read the books: “When my mom lied to me” by Sofia Dartzali, “The city that chased away the war” by Papatheodoulou Antonis, “When the bells stopped the war” by Rodari Giani, “The Peace of Aristophanes” by Zarabuka Sofia, “Games and trinkets” by Nikolas Andrikopoulos, “Denekedoupoli” by Eugenia Fakinou, and “I would give everything” by Elena Artzanidou.

The occasion for all the above actions, was and is, our everyday school life, discussions, and reflections that the children bring to the classroom, National anniversaries, and holidays such as: October 28th, the Polytechneio Day, and Christmas. Thus, during the celebration of October 28th, the children classified images that evoked pleasant feelings and memories as well as unpleasant feelings. They connected these images with well-known paintings, such as: “The Horse” by Alexandrakis, “The Mother with the Two Children”, “The Dove”, “The Child with the Dove” by Picasso, “The Scream” by Munch, and “Icarus” by Matisse. Each painting also hid a musical theme, so the children had to move and express themselves accordingly, discussing which painting fitted and what emotion it evoked. Through the brainstorming method, the children mentioned images and memories that caused them pleasant feelings, rejecting the idea of war.

On the Anniversary of Polytechneio Day, we dramatized the story “Bird bracelets” by E. Kamaratou-Giallousi, and we met “Ladenio”, a hero of “Denekedoupolis” by E. Fakinou, making our own puppet theater dolls which each time found a different way to ward off Ladenio or change his mind!


Then, the following question arose: who ultimately has a right to peace? Then we referred to our Earth as a planet that hosts other creatures besides humans. We focused on the beauty and preservation of the natural environment by emphasizing the importance of equal rights, even if we don’t have a voice. We also made comparisons to find out which needs plants and humans have. We also visited the natural park of Rodini, where we observed trees over 100 years old and admired the natural beauty that surrounds it.


On World Savings Day, our students decided to collect money in their improvised piggy banks to help less privileged creatures, such as stray dogs.


“We are all moving forward together. Because one’s life is connected to another’s life. And so, no matter what life is, we are all somehow united”, from Borslat Christian’s “Life is…”. Colorful threads connect us to our dreams. This was also the central idea that emerged for the original Christmas play “Stars of Dreams.” These threads are created by peace.


We read the fairy tales “Imagine Peace” by Vl. Radunsky and “Imagine” by J. Lennon. Based on these fairy tales, the children designed what Peace needs. Moreover, we asked our students to wonder if Peace was one of our senses, which one would it be? The song lyrics are ideas created throughout the project, woven together by the children. As feathered animals give life and warmth to their young, as we vote for peace instead of war, we all have the right to peace, regardless of face… people, animals, plants, a sweet melody.

The song’s melody came about through a game with the Music teacher, who, after playing various melodies, the children tried to adapt the lyrics to them. After testing, they settled on a particular tune that was most pleasing to them and repeated it throughout the day. In addition, they visited the Music School of our Educational Institutions, where they listened and chose which musical instruments they would like to be heard in their song. The students of both departments actively participated in all phases of the project, from the observation of images, to the creation of a group poster and video clip, as well as in its final recording.

The “Peace” project will continue until the end of the school year, so that the children will manage to create an original book of their own works, about how they imagine peace and tell creative stories about it. The book is to be sold, and the proceeds will be allocated to the “Social Grocery of Rhodes.”

Teachers: Stavroula Marantou, Polyxeni Mastromichali
Classes: Angels of the shells, Magic Pencils
Lyrics: Angels of the shells, Magic Pencils
Composer: John Chatzis, musician
Instrumentation, sound engineering, producer: George Xanthopoulos, musician
Poster: Angels of the shells, Magic Pencils
Poster designer: Georgia Kazoulli
Videoclip: Stavroula Marantou, Polyxeni Mastromichali
Video editing: Spiros Atsiknoudas