Podcast: Call for Peace

Credits go to:
Irene Stanathioti (Lyric production)
and Metaxia Argentini (Music).
Performed by Irene Stanathioti and Metaxia Argentini.
Coordinated by teachers Konstantinou Maria and Chaski Dimitra.

Why did you never let me
Take the first step
So that the dung beetle and I
Would carry the blame.

You preach of beauty, of things
But conscriptions come in waves
Then speak of privileges, morals and ideals
Peace needs persistence.

I turn into a pawn of your games.
Do you ponder on our oblivion?
Hands fall, the heart goes astray
And the crowds burst into flames.

I see an ocean-load of guilt
And its waves rapturing our lives,
Our soil and footsteps
Trampling on an olive tree branch.

Peace, I sit before you,
Lamenting on my Youth.
My ancestors’ poem I shall find again
On the edge of the sword

Which cuts through virtues,
Bleak monotonies of the mind.
Aristophanes smiles at me
And Trygaeus sighs with relief.

Production: Call for Peace
School: Call for Peace