Podcast: Music review of the passing year

Towards the end of this adventurous year, we say goodbye to her, tell her to leave, go to the tracks and not come back, exorcising her with a list of songs she left us in 2020. Something like a musical background.
Maybe the concerts and all the art events stopped because of the pandemic and the artists like lonely cowboys, completely unprotected from the state, continued to do what they know how to do very well.
And that is to record and release their songs, not in record stores as it used to be, but on all online platforms. So, with this in mind, our school chose to present you 11 Greek + 1 English surprise song of 2020. 12 songs that we liked from their first listen and we continue to listen. So simply without having to explain anything more.
Various artists, parade today from the show, give us their beautiful Christmas sweets and then wink at us, wishing from the bottom of their hearts for a full creative year with mental (and physical) health to all.The show is curated and presented by our graduate student Baios Ntetsis.
Hail , 2021.
Good listening!