Each school radio year is even more productive and creative! During 2018-19, new radio teams took part in the radio program and got in touch with student radio production! We are happy to share with you that in total we broadcast 737 radio productions from 282 schools! This school year, we noticed that many schools took the initiative to broadcast live and collaborate with other schools ON AIR and it proved as more than an interesting lesson! It was really fascinating! Each and every episode was unique, each and every episode gave some students and teachers a wide smile and we are sure that counts the most.
During the radio and song contest “Make it Heard 2019” we received 220 productions (120 radio messages and 100 songs) which made us feel very proud for all the work you have done and your voice raised awareness about Hate Speech and you achieved at least to activate the community against this. And you are curious about the impact in numbers? More than half a million visited the webpage to vote for their favorite radio spot or song and posted more than 62.000 “likes” in only a month!
Thank you for your positive energy on the ES aiR ! !
As active citizens, you can change your world! Keep on smiling, being optimistic and listening “European School Radio, The First Student Radio”!
Have a nice and relaxing ESummeR 2019!
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