We are glad to announce another one success, very important for the European School Radio’ s sustainability! The proposal, which was submitted in the framework of the call for Erasmus KA2 in March 2020 entitled: “Social Radio 2.0: The European School Radio and Podcasting Community for Active Citizenship Education” (2020-1-PL01-KA201-081838) met with an excellent response during the evaluation and we recently received the good news of approval! This is a two-year program, which will upgrade the infrastructure and services of the European School Radio web portal and mobile application, while it highlights the importance of young people’s views on their own radio. The coordinating partner in the project is the Polish school Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 im.Janusza Kusocińskiego w Świdniku and other partners are the European School Radio (Greece), Stimmuli for Social Change (Greece), the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus (Cyprus), the OT (Portugal) and CEIP LOS ALBARES (Spain).
We wish good luck to all members of the Consortium!

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