

Group 5 -Respect

Το Γυμνάσιο Καλογερόπουλου ετοίμασε και σας παρουσιάζει τη φετινή εκπομπή με τίτλο ‘Respect’.

Tags: Social Issues,

All Your Actions Reflect On You

Our radio spot raises awareness of the impact our everyday actions have on the environment. We must all take a moment to think about how we can reverse the damage we are causing.

Group 5

In this music radio show, the students of class C4, invite a fellow student and interview her. She tells us about her dreams, shares some of her favourite songs and sings for us live in the studio. One of her friends accompanies her on the piano. Σε αυ …

Tags: Music,

Group 5

In our first programme, the students from class A5 talk about their daily routine and report about the daily routines of children from other countries.

Tags: School news,

An Active or a Passive Bystander?

What do you do when you realise that others are being treated unfairly, laughed at or ignored? Do you take action or do you just remain a passive bystander?

Traditional Medicine


Our students’ second radio spot aims to raise awareness on the importance of our country’s intangible cultural heritage. Our 13/14-year-old students created a scenario that tackles the topic of traditional medicine and sends an important message to all …

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