Radio Laidos

Yes, we do care ! (Animals sending SOS !)

In the framework of the eTwinning project ” Yes, we do care”, the students from the schools involved, are giving the threatened animals of our countries voice and make their message heard to the world. The 15th Primary School of Heraklion, Crete and Af …

Europe Day! eTwinning Day!

In the framework of the eTwinning project ” Yes, we do care”, the students from the schools involved , sent their message celebrating Europe Day and eTwinning Day on May 9th.

Yes, we do care ! (Here we are)

In the framework of the eTwinning project ” Yes, we do care”, the students from the schools involved, are introducing Earth to aliens and the students from the Italian School “ICS 1 di San Mauro Torinese, Italy” (which is in charge) are presenting the …

Yes, we do care ! (Collaborative environmental dictionary)

In the framework of the eTwinning project ” Yes, we do care”, the students from the schools involved, are making their collaborative environmental dictionary. CEIP Santa Teresa Marinaleda, Spain is in charge.

Yes, we do care !

In the framework of the eTwinning project ” Yes, we do care”, the students from the schools involved, are sending messages to the local authorities. Scoala Gimnaziala, Comuna Puchenii Mari Bărcănești, Romania is in charge.

Yes, we do care

In the framework of the eTwinning project ” Yes, we do care”, the students from the schools involved, are interviewing Dr Arabella Zachariou, president of Steering Committee on ESD. The DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO AGIAS NAPAS -ANTONI TSOKKOU, CYPRUS is in charge …

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