Nicosia Special School – Ειδικό Σχολείο Λευκωσίας

Mokyklos administratoriai


Nicosia Special School, is a public special school, which accepts students 6-18/21 years old that have a range of learning difficulties.  This year (2022-23) there are 73 students, in 14 groups/classes.  In a collaborative and respectful environment, the school offers a variety of types of programs: educational programs (language -writing, reading, speech- mathematical concepts, social and emotional skills, daily living skills, P.E. music, art, drama),  therapeutic programs (speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and music therapy) and vocational skills programs (recycling, car wash, cafeteria, gardening, chair weaving).  Individual needs, interests and skills are evaluated in various areas, in order to offer individualized educational, therapeutic and training experiences.  Ultimately, we aim to empower and help students develop resilient personalities in order to achieve and maintain personal well-being, autonomy and independence, and active participation in social life.

Radio Laidos



The children embraced the idea of participating in the competition, along with schools from Cyprus Greece and other countries. They looked forward to creating their own song. The creation of the song started with a brainstorm on the topics of “peace an …

Mokykla: Nicosia Special School – Ειδικό Σχολείο Λευκωσίας