A Primary School – Α Δημοτικό Παραλιμνίου

Mokyklos administratoriai


A Primary School is located to the center of Paralimni. It is the most historic school in Paralimni and the only school that was made the times of english colonialism. Since then  a lot of students have graduated from this school where now are studying 300 students.

Radio Laidos

Peace all over the world


The fifth grade student of A Paralimni Primary school are sending their message. The central idea of the message is the importance of living in a state without wars.

Mokykla: A Primary School – Α Δημοτικό Παραλιμνίου

Peace is what we want


Poem written and composed by the fifth grade students of 1st Paralimni Primary school. Our school is in Cyprus at the east part of the island, in Famagusta region. In our class (E2) study students from the Paralimni area, refugees from the occupied Fam …

Mokykla: A Primary School – Α Δημοτικό Παραλιμνίου