Šalis: Greece
Grade: Primary
Mokyklos administratoriai


Radio Laidos

How to collect 1000 buckets of tears?

If you had to collect 1000 buckets of tears, how would you do it? 6 of the Radio Pirates have more than 6 tearful ideas !! https://el.padlet.com/apostada/7tndsbxfrzio97f

Tags: Social Issues,

For distance learning, listen carefully!

Οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες έχουν άποψη και την καταθέτουν. Μετά από τόσους μήνες στην οθόνη ακούμε τα συμπεράσματα. Παραγωγή για τους Ραδιοπειρατές του γ΄1 :https://el.padlet.com/apostada/7tndsbxfrzio97f

Tags: Social Issues,

If only I could change the world


No, we would not paint the sea blue again. Radio pirates and pirates we read Nazim Hikmet and we take inspiration to raise a voice of hope. A collaborative show: with Konstantina and the help of George Tz, Eva, Konstantinos, Ephremia of Titus and Hikme …

winter sonG


On this journey the pirates started from the land of the rising sun. We carry with us the art of haiku as a precious memory. Evening on deck George Tz, Giannis, Titos and George Ts. they made a haiku and they interpret it for us with the rhythm.

Did they play?

Radio pirate Dimitris talks to us about the Right to Play under Article 33 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. But does he wonder what happened before this Declaration? And in the war? Did the children of war play? He gives the answer … wh …

Tags: Social Issues,

The Paleolithic era … from the wicked deer of

Konstantina and Eva are the evil deer of the Radio Pirates of GD1. They travel us a few million years back to the Paleolithic ancestors … our grandparents! A production for the Radio Pirates at the 16th Board of Rethymnon. https://padlet.com/apostada …

Tags: Art & Culture,

Sweet (Christmas) days with Ephraimia


In my second show we will share a secret recipe for perfect melomakarona, we will listen to a favorite song of mine on the shore of a lake with swans. It’s Christmas! With melomakarona and sweet smiles we always win at the end of a difficult year that …

Christmas Stories with Ariadne

Ariadne warms up the cold Christmas nights by reading the story “A Grumpy Goblin” from the book “Winter Stories” by Gregoire Solotareff. The narration is accompanied by beautiful Christmas songs. Do the grumpy ones of Christmas have a place in the cele …

Tags: Fairytales,

Pantel Dent Games #2

In the second episode of my show I have a big surprise for you. My good friend Dimitris will help me get rid of something important videogame, Super Cars! Will we make it? Production for the “Radio Pandemic” by DG1 of the 16th Board of Rethymno

Tags: Art & Culture,

Our stray friends ..

How many innocent eyes do we meet every day on the street, on the sidewalk, outside our door? The love that stray friends can give is greater than you can imagine. My name is George and I have a short message for you Production: “Radio Pandemia” DG1 at …

Strays are not objects …


They have a tender heart like children … They are the strays of your neighborhood, of your city. They have rights, if you love them! My name is Dimitris and I want to explain to you. Production: DRADIO Phonetic University “, GD1, 16th Rethymnon Board

Pantel Dent Games


Do you play videogames? There are games you should not miss! Listen to my suggestion on the show for the year to come and you will remember me.

WE ARE JOKING! with Tito Apostolakis

Life wants laughter. Laughter out loud! Today I chose for you two good jokes and two beautiful songs that I think you will like! My name is Titos and this is my first show on the radio! Swim with me! Production: “Radio Pandemic”, C1, 16th Board of Reth …

Tags: Fairytales,

Greek Mythology #1

Do you want to meet the male gods of Olympus with the help of beautiful music? My name is Manolis Varotsis and I will lead you up to Olympus following their traces. Get ready! A production of the “radio pandemic” by C1 at the 16th Board of Rethymno ..

Tags: Art & Culture,

4nd Spot for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3/12)

When Theofilos came to my class, he did not sit for long … My school is not for children in wheelchairs. Titus explains to us that Theophilos’ right came and went like a breeze from the room … Music: Imagine Artist: John Lennon

3nd Spot for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3/12)

To me, my school is not hospitable for children with special needs … But our friend Argyro has rights! Konstantina, Dimitris, Ephremia, Eva, Manolis and Giannis are a warm hug and a loud protest. Because Argyro is like us …

2nd Spot for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3/12)


Big changes had to be made … Argyro is welcomed by all of us … except the school facilities. So what should we do? George, Manolis, Constantine, Ariadne and Khalid explain. Argyro is like us. Argyro has rights … Music: Imagine Artist: John Lennon …

1st Spot for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3/12)

what if Argyro comes to my school? How will he get through the door? How will he climb the steps of the classroom? How will she fill her hermit crab? How will… Konstantina, Giorgos, Pantelis, Giorgos and Khalid remind us that Argyro is like us and th …

Sweet days…by Efraimia

Days luck of hapiness without sweet recipes of Efraimia! Stay tuned!

Tags: Health,