
Συνεργασία δασκάλου, μαθητών και γονέων για τη δημιουργία ραδιοφωνικής εκπομπής ποικίλου περιεχομένου

Radio Laidos

For Peace


Lyrics: Micheal Demetzos- Themistoklis Kritikos Music: Themistoklis Kritikos Hope always wins day and night again and again good is ahead of us. Big wound but it closes secretly this enmity of the world the shadow. I ask for peace she is the one i foll …

Life is a journey


Competition entry of a group of 5th Grade Students of the 37th Primary School of Iraklio Crete for the European School Radio competition 2022 entitled “Travelling”. The point of departure for this wonderful journey through life is the family and the fi …