Production: Story without an end


After a collaboration between the two secondary schools in Laconia: the first Junior High school of Githeo and the Junior High school of Areopolis, the song was completed in its final form. All students from all classes and from both schools brainstormed and collaborated in order to write “History with no end’ after having understood the full meaning of their local cultural heritage. Nick Demestihas, who is in the second year of Junior High school in Githeo, incorporated his skills in music maker jump program to give us the melody. Stathis Apostolakos and Panagiota Bouterakou, students in the First year of Junior High school were vocals, while Kiraikos Kiriakoulias from the Junior High school of Areopolis contributed to the lyrics. It must be mentioned that all of the students from both schools in Githeo and Areopolis, contributed their share in the lyrics, whether by providing a word or an entire verse. Nothing would have been accomplished though but for the gernerous help of Xanthis Moutsokou, the computer science teacher, (Junior High School of Githeo), who lend us her voic in the last chorus of the song and Panagiotis Stavropoulou, Mathematics teacher, who possesses knowledge in both music and computer sciences as well. Everything took place in the Computer laboratory of the Junior High school of Githeo, with the equipment provided by the public school. We hope that in this way we can attract interest in our area, its natural beauty and its history but also promote its traditional products.



Story without an end

Mokykla: 1ο Γυμνάσιο Γυθείου Λακωνίας
26 sausio 2018 22:00

After a collaboration between the two secondary schools in Laconia: the first Junior High school of Githeo and the Junior High school of Areopolis, the song was completed in its final form. All students from all classes and from both schools brainstorm …