Production: Without microphone

Kas 1 savaitę/savaites Penktadienis, 19:00
     31/03/2023 - 31/03/2023     


The show WITHOUT microphone, budget, studio, taste, dignity, appetite…
We mean all the others except ours of course!? We are Constantine and Socrates in a (failed) attempt at a radio podcast. We hope you like it 🙂



Without microphone

Mokykla: Πειραματικό Λύκειο Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας
31 kovo 2023 16:00

The show WITHOUT microphone, budget, studio, taste, dignity, appetite… We mean all the others except ours of course!? We are Constantine and Socrates in a (failed) attempt at a radio podcast. We hope you like it 🙂