Production: ThessMusic

Kas 1 savaitę/savaites Antradienis, 20:00
     25/04/2023 - 25/04/2023     


Have you ever put on your headphones and opened the exhibition book? Although you think that the music will distract you from reading, you will find that not only are you not distracted, but reading becomes more enjoyable and above all, your concentration in a strange and magical way is limited to the words you see on the paper.

Periodiškumas: 1 week,
Tags: Music,


Study with Giannis and Dimitris

Mokykla: 1ο Γενικό Λύκειο Σταυρούπολης
25 balandžio 2023 17:00

Although you think that the music will distract you from reading, you will find that not only are you not distracted, but reading becomes more enjoyable and above all, your concentration in a strange and magical way is limited to the words you see on t …
