Production: For Peace


A song for peace, written and performed by the students of the 1st Model Lyceum of Athens-Gennadeio’s club “Gennadeio’s Radio Days”.
Lyrics: school club “Gennadeio’s Radio Days”, composer and orchestrator: Haris Mercuris, Singers: Aphrodite Assatof, Marina Smaragda, Violin: Christos Bournas, Saxophone: Haris Marcuris. Lurics’ english translation: Antigone Alexiou-Aerikou.

For Peace

I keep in my heart a white bird
I set it free, to be saved far away
The road being long, the land being dark
It needs courage to continue the route

In the world there is fire, pain and wrath
The youth are protesting for peace in the world
And their voice sounds like a sweet song
It calms the wild weather in one’s mind

Dark clouds, dense smoke
The whole world is a clamor
In the side of the road, there is a kid
searching for the hope that has been lost

In the world there is fire, pain and wrath
The youth are protesting for peace in the world
And their voice sounds like a sweet song
It calms the wild weather in one’s mind.



For Peace

28 sausio 2023 22:00

A song for peace, written and performed by the students of the 1st Model Lyceum of Athens-Gennadeio’s club “Gennadeio’s Radio Days”. Lyrics: school club “Gennadeio’s Radio Days”, composer and orchestrator: Haris Mercuris, Singers: Aphrodite Assatof, Ma …