Production: Peace inside us


It is with pleasure that we take part in this year’s student radio competition called «Καν’ το ‘ν’ ακουστεί 2023» with our song “ Peace inside us” Our discussion about world peace led us nowhere since plenty has been written about it. Yet, people still fight each other. Is it then that there is no peace inside us? Perhaps everything starts from insignificant, everyday battles between us but without the sound of guns. These thoughts and our children’s concerns led us to the creation of a song about such an unusual war, one that themselves have felt in their search for inner peace. Our 6th Grade class play the guitar, keyboard , metallophone instruments , the davul drum and other drums , as well as sing passionately this song. Enjoy our performance!
Peace inside us There is a girl. She likes to play football all day long. For this reason her girlfriends do not keep her company, they tease and mock her. They say that she should be ashamed of that. They say it is not acceptable. Prejudices blind the heart, they look at her ironically but they cannot see anything.
She is tired of apologizing, it is not funny anymore. She doesn’t want at all to go to school anymore. How much they hurt her, they cannot realize. There is a boy.
He likes ballet, he wants to dance all day. For this reason his boyfriends do not keep him company. They fight and hit him. They say that he should be ashamed of that. They say it is not acceptable.
When is he going to look without fear in their eyes. When are they finally going to change their point of views? When are they going to understand that we are all equals?
When is this war going to end? I am a girl. I am a boy.
I look for peace, I long for peace in the souls of humans.


Mokykla: Peace inside us

