Production: Where are you peace?


Participation of Primary School Egkomis B, Nicosia, Cyprus in the song contest “Kanto nakoustei” 2023 with the subject “Youth for Peace”

The song was the initiative of the children Panagiotis Chatzipanagis fourth grade and Styliani Chatzipanagi sixth grade who wrote the lyrics and performed the piece on violin and piano. They sing themselves. The arrangment and recording took place at their home in their personal amateur studio. The music is by the school’s teacher Kyriaki Iakovidou.

Where are you peace?

I turned my gaze and looked around
Everywhere there is war, violence and injustice
In the hearts of men wickedness reigns
And everyone is shouting and searching
where is the peace? day and night they ask…

I touched the raindrops
Who cooled the sowing soil
I saw the sun rising
And the warmth breaking the haze
And his rays wrote a word “Peace”
with the color of fire


Hold hands together my brothers
To make the dream come true
And lets open our soul’s eyes
To see the peace in life

I also saw the sweet mother
Hugging the toddler
I saw the refugee child making
Hope for his new life
Then they fluttered around pigeons
Holding the branch of peace.

Give my brothers…


Mokykla: Dimotiko Sxoleio Egkomis B’– Δημοτικό Σχολείο Έγκωμης Β΄


Where are you peace?

Mokykla: Dimotiko Sxoleio Egkomis B’
29 sausio 2023 00:00

Participation of Primary School Egkomis B, Nicosia, Cyprus in the song contest “Kanto nakoustei” 2023 with the subject “Youth for Peace” The song was the initiative of the children Panagiotis Chatzipanagis fourth grade and Styliani Chatzipanagi sixth g …