Production: Look up


Pay attention kids, listen to these words,
straight from the heart, pure and real.
Our world for sure belongs to us.
If you seek peace, do not build prisons.

Join hands, look up,
there is hope in the heart.
Only love surfaces on top,
let’s all become one.

Nukes are not cool,
cool is to love and be humane.
If you want to be a leader open up,
give goodness, spread joy.

Everywhere you travel, all over the earth,
you will find people looking for serenity.

Join hands, look up,
there is hope in the heart.
Only love surfaces on top,
let’s all become one.

Nukes are not cool,
cool is to love and be humane.
You own it to the kids, do not demolish everything,
Let them print their future, on clear sheets.

Voices: Elena Constantinou, George Hadjiantoniou, Christos Evangelou, Piano: Gavriela Stefanidou, Stella Sofokleous, Violin: Dimitris Stylianou, Woodblocks: Constantina Artemi.
Music: Elena Constantinou Lyrics: Christos Evangelou, Andreas Georgiou.


Mokykla: Look up


Look up

Mokykla: Look up
28 sausio 2023 22:00

Pay attention kids, listen to these words, straight from the heart, pure and real. Our world for sure belongs to us. If you seek peace, do not build prisons. Join hands, look up, there is hope in the heart. Only love surfaces on top, let’s all become o …