Production: Don`t be afraid to talk


The war that crossed the threshold of the European continent, which seemed to be temporary but was not, caused concern and reflection to all of us. The need to express our opposition to what is happening led us to the composition of our song. We want our voice to be heard. We need to find the courage to react together, to bring peace back.
Our 2nd participation in the “Make it heard” competition filled us with joy and we hope it expresses you too. United we can do a lot!
The students of the 5th grade of the Primary School of Arnissa/Pella
Don`t be afraid to talk
My peace, my precious peace
my heart, you are my sweet
you talk to me like laugh
like the wave your answer

The war`s evil
let it go faraway
when we are together
we are an amazing shield.

Don`t be afraid to talk
don`t tolerate a war
live always free
from our souls never die.

Lyrics :
Basic idea Eleni Tsotsi – Composition from the students of the 5th grade of the Primary School of Arnissa
Song: 5th grade
Music – Orchestration: Konstandinos Tzovanakis – Dimitrios Mamoglou
Production: Panos Topalidis
Poster: Stella Bullari (5th grade student)
Translation: Fotini Tsiaka – Efrosini Geli – English teachers
Animators: Maria Haroupa – music teacher and Ilias Kartas – 5th grade teacher



Don`t be afraid to talk

29 sausio 2023 00:00

The war that crossed the threshold of the European continent, which seemed to be temporary but was not, caused concern and reflection to all of us. The need to express our opposition to what is happening led us to the composition of our song. We want o …