Production: Threads of peace


Imagine we are watching puppetry, where all the puppets are dressed in different costumes, bur they seem –nevertheless- identical to each other. They fight endlessly, while the puppeteers whisper to them that by killing, grabbing, conquering they will become heroes.
All the puppets are fighting – except one. She looked exhausted, she could not find any meaning at all in this. Suddenly, she cuts her threads. She runs in darkness and in terror, in order to escape, watching the others who continue to fight.
She ran towards a dim light. For the first time, she experiences an overwhelming feeling of freedom and of life, as if she has returned back to her childhood. Back then, when battles were fought with wooden swords and the voices were not heartbreaking but only filled with joy.
She had become blind by the darkness of the war, but now she could see colors around her, the colors of life.
Peace is cutting one’s threads to escape suffering. Peace is to be able to distinguish all those colors.
Peace is freedom, love, security, reconciliation with every country in the world, the sound of children playing.
Peace has no boundaries, color, age, sex, religion.
Violence is not the solution of our problems.
Don’ t become a puppet yourself!
Peace, shall we play together?
Υes, let΄s do it!



Threads of peace

29 sausio 2023 00:00

Imagine we are watching puppetry, where all the puppets are dressed in different costumes, bur they seem –nevertheless- identical to each other. They fight endlessly, while the puppeteers whisper to them that by killing, grabbing, conquering they will …