Production: HEAR OUR VOICE


You, the pro-war, what do you have to say to us children?
Yes, we’re talking to you, don’t ignore us! Hear our voice!
So, you like war.
You feel strong. That’s why you do everything!
You feel like you can only win…
Foreign properties, foreign homes, foreign homelands…
You feel strong. That’s why you do everything!
Come! Come with us…
Come see the joy when a child is born…
And the pain when he dies…
Are you still warmongering? Make a day of peace and dance with us.

Come! Come with us…
Let’s play and laugh!
Let’s sing and have fun…
Let’s paint and cry with love! Not out of fear!
Make peace and let go of selfishness.
Melt down weapons and craft tools.
Build houses and schools!
Give food and medicine to those who are suffering!
Turn off the war sirens!
Come! Come with us…
Plant trees and give smiles!
Make peace and feel human!
Make the world more beautiful, fairer!
Yes, we’re talking to you, don’t ignore us!
Come! Come with us…
Come! Come with us…
Hear our voice! Think like a child!




Mokykla: 9th Primary School Pafos
29 sausio 2023 00:00

You, the pro-war, what do you have to say to us children? Yes, we’re talking to you, don’t ignore us! Hear our voice! So, you like war. You feel strong. That’s why you do everything! You feel like you can only win… Foreign properties, foreign homes, …