Production: Your name is Peace…


Only peace can change the world. This message sings the students of ENEEGYL Rodou reminding us that against the devastating war there is always an optimistic perspective of the world, where peace prevails.


Your name is Peace…

The place where the streets dyed red.
The place where hope and dreams have been lost.
The place where you took everything I had.
The place where you left me live alone.

There I hide in the dark,
Without any sign of the sun,
There I burry my dreams,
Mud and blood petrify my eyes.

That’s where I get into a caravan
Where hope finds no home
There God seems silent
And the sun no longer heals my wounds.


Take me from there and sing with me
Light up my life again
You are the only one who can change that
Your name is Peace, you will build the world


We will be singing together and we will be laughing together
cause you can build the world,
The birds will be chirping and the children will be loud,
cause you will change the world

For everything that awaits us,
For all the days that are waiting for the sun,
For all the barriers that you broke down,
For all the hopes that you raised,

For me, for you and for your children
For everything your heart feels and asks for
For everything your eyes want to know
Hold my hand, let’s not waste time, hurry up

I want to wake up with everything I care for
For everything I haven’t had the time to love yet
For everything that is gone forever
For every mistake that I will forgive.


Just for me, come close and sing with me
Light up my life again
You are the only one who can change that
Your name is Peace, you will build the world


We will be singing together and we will be laughing together
cause you can build the world,
The birds will be chirping and the children will be loud,
cause you will change the world


We will be singing together and we will be laughing together
cause you can build the world,
The birds will be chirping and the children will be loud,
cause you will change the world


