Production: Working for the world peace


Participation of the 3. High school of Corfu in the radio spot “Make It Heard 2023” with the slogan “Youth for Peace”.

We have been taught to count our lives in wars
But the most important moments in history were achieved through Peace
Do you believe in World Peace?

(Children’s voices are heard answering in their mother tongue ,,No it is impossible“. Languages: Greek, English, French, German, Albanian, Italian, Dutch and Russian)

It seems impossible
But there is a way

To learn to get along and accept each other’s differences
To speak against injustice
To defend what is right
To help our communities
And the smallest act counts
Let’s all make a difference together
We can do it
Maybe that’s how we can get a better world for everyone

(Children ask for Peace in their mother tongue. Languages: Greek, English, French, German, Albanian, Italian, Dutch and Russian)

Group coordinator: Eleni Makri, German teacher



Working for the world peace

Mokykla: 3ο Γυμνάσιο Κέρκυρας
28 sausio 2023 22:00

Participation of the 3. High school of Corfu in the radio spot “Make It Heard 2023” with the slogan “Youth for Peace”. We have been taught to count our lives in wars But the most important moments in history were achieved through Peace Do you believe i …