Production: “A journey to the light”


A group of teenagers are troubled and concerned by all the tragic things happening these days but do not stop believing in the power of young people and the duty they have to pull down anything that is old and rotten, as well as to fight to establish a fair world in which “like a flower, Peace will blossom.” Because the young generation can do it!
The video will be available shortly at the following link :
“A journey to the light”
The wide sea stands before me
The years are enough
I’m a young kid myself
My mind is my compass

My dreams are my sails
Joy is my mast
My soul is the captain
A journey is calling me!

But the sea is deep
Knife and fire all around
This tempest is cracy
Brothers become enemies

The storm is threatening
Where is love and affection?
For a journey without light
How can i sail all alone?

But the new generation is always hopeful
It bursts with passion and strength
Thiw vision of peace
It holds in its heart as a keepsake

For a fair world it strives
For peace to blossom like a flower
For a world that looks like a celebration
Make it know too



“A journey to the light”

Mokykla: “A journey to the light”
28 sausio 2023 22:00

A group of teenagers are troubled and concerned by all the tragic things happening these days but do not stop believing in the power of young people and the duty they have to pull down anything that is old and rotten, as well as to fight to establish a …