Production: Where is Peace?


Participation of the 2nd E.E.E.E.K. Pylaias-Hortiatis (Thessaloniki) in the contest “Make it heard” 2023 with the theme “Youth for Peace – in the category SPECIAL SCHOOLS
Students that participated:
Giouldouris Giorgos
Alveniotis Kostantinos
Giannoulis Alexandros
Thoma Magdalini

Specials teacher’s who helped students:
Diamantopoulou Christina, Petridou Charitini, Markou Elisavet, Diamantopoulou Eriphily

First there was a discussion about the concept of peace and war, we referred to the recent war in Ukraine, using video, reportage and
we read Aristophanes’ Peace for children.
Text captured from students’ ideas (students cannot write due to their disability)
many free music themes were listened to (without copyright) and they chose the specific one that accompanies the text,
text was recorded,
we connected music to text,
Poster formation through a smart intelligence program where the children chose and decided which words they wanted to be captured in a picture and then
They chose the poster that represents them, and the art teacher filled in the name of the school.

Text of the Radio Spot

Peace, Peace, Peace
Where did Peace go? Where is Peace?
Some people are looking for it.
Who is looking for peace?
Those who lost loved ones under the rubble.
Those who left their homeland taking the key with the hope that one day they will return back home.
Peace left them and went away
Peace did not leave them. They grabbed peace, they kidnapped peace and didn’t let peace go back.
Because peace spoils the plans of war
The war wants to sell weapons. Peace does not leave him.
And why doesn’t he kill peace to finish?
Peace does not die, Peace is immortal.
Lives in peoples hearts
if we leave Peace, Peace will exist everywhere, in every country, all over the world.
Let’s all shout out together for Peace to come back:
Peace, Peace,Peace…



Where is Peace?

28 sausio 2023 22:00

Participation of the 2nd E.E.E.E.K. Pylaias-Hortiatis (Thessaloniki) in the contest “Make it heard” 2023 with the theme “Youth for Peace – in the category SPECIAL SCHOOLS Students that participated: Giouldouris Giorgos Alveniotis Kostantinos Giannoulis …