Production: This is Peace


Title: This is Peace

Tell me Dad…
When there’s no war, is there always Peace?
Tell me Mom…
What is Peace?
Does the opposite of War answer my question?

When we sing and we spread joy,
when we play games and laugh out loud.
When a smile brightens our face,
then we can shout out, that this is Peace. Yes!
This is Peace!

Tell me Dad, tell me Mom,
will we have Peace if we do all that?

You should remember the word equality,
and you should never judge diversity.
Only then will we have done right,
and we can shout out, this is Peace. Yes!
This is Peace!

Tell me Dad, tell me Mom,
will we have Peace if we do all that?

We pursue Peace but we don’t run fast enough.
To reach it great effort is needed.
Fear and anger don’t fit in here,
only kindness and love are the right thing to do.
Help me so we can run side by side,
to reach Peace for a bright, new start.
Only then will the dream come true
and nothing any longer will seem fake.

Tell me Dad, tell me Mom,
will we have Peace if we do all that?

Dad, Mom…Do you remember my question?
I figured it out… This is Peace!


Mokykla: This is Peace

