Production: Child of war


Participation of Kalochori High School in the “Make It Heard 2023” Competition, in the category Radio Message on the topic of Peace.


I close my eyes.
I hear bombs falling in the area.
God, make sleep come quickly,
quickly let the clamor go away.
So many days and so many nights locked in an underground cell
to wait for the soldiers to leave.
I want to laugh and dream again,
to run, play and sing.
I ask for peace for those I love
and for the whole world too.
Peace everywhere around the world. Smile.
Only peace in society.
We say yes to peace in schools.
We say no to war and no to violence.
Put an end to bullying, for happiness to come.



Child of war

28 sausio 2023 22:00

Participation of Kalochori High School in the “Make It Heard 2023” Competition, in the category Radio Message on the topic of Peace. Lyrics I close my eyes. Sirens. I hear bombs falling in the area. God, make sleep come quickly, quickly let the clamor …