Production: Democracy for me is:

Kas 1 savaitę/savaites Penktadienis, 15:00
     13/01/2023 - 13/01/2023     


The students of the 6th 3rd grade initially worked with the participatory educational technique of the “snowflake” on the concept of “Democracy”. Then he captured each child in an A4 drawing “what is democracy for him” and then with the “window” technique he looked at the world and saw where his own democracy is and captured it with new elements enriching his original drawing. When the process was completed, a presentation was made to the class which was recorded. Mr. Apostolopoulos, music teacher, helped us with the songs.



Democracy for me is:

13 sausio 2023 13:00

The students of the 6th 3rd grade initially worked with the participatory educational technique of the “snowflake” on the concept of “Democracy”. Then he captured each child in an A4 drawing “what is democracy for him” and then with the “window” techni …