Production: Journey to our Thoughts


A song of optimism, representing Pagkyprio Gymnasio of Nicosia (Cyprus) in Kan’to N’ Akoustei Competition of 2022, traveling through our thoughts of what we love…what we cannot forget… in a blurry world.. always pursuing life’s victories and true happiness.


Mokykla: Pagkyprio Gymnasio– Παγκύπριο Γυμνάσιο


Journey to our Thoughts

Mokykla: Pagkyprio Gymnasio
5 kovo 2022 22:00

A song of optimism, representing Pagkyprio Gymnasio of Nicosia (Cyprus) in Kan’to N’ Akoustei Competition of 2022, traveling through our thoughts of what we love…what we cannot forget… in a blurry world.. always pursuing life’s victories and true h …