Production: FROM I TO YOU


Participation of Periferiako Gymnasio Xylofagou in the student song contest “Kanto nakousti 2021”, with the song “From I to You” .
Two students wrote some lyrics based on the spirit of the Greek Revolution 1821 “From I to We” – to fight for a better future, not only for Greece but for Europe, as well.
Afterwards, a simple but beautiful melody was composed for voice and guitar. The Music Teacher had only a supportive role, in order to unveil students initiative.


Mokykla: FROM I TO YOU



Mokykla: FROM I TO YOU
24 kovo 2021 22:00

Participation of Periferiako Gymnasio Xylofagou in the student song contest “Kanto nakousti 2021”, with the song “From I to You” . Two students wrote some lyrics based on the spirit of the Greek Revolution 1821 “From I to We” – to fight for a better fu …