Production: Ode to the Greeks of ’21


Greece celebrates from end to end. It celebrates the right to freedom, the right to life. It pays tribute to the Greeks who sacrificed their Ego for the existence of Us. 1821- 2021, 200 years since the beginning of the revolution, 200 years of pride. The radio message “Ode to the Greeks of ’21” was created by Kakadiaris Dimitris and Louloudi Despina, second grade students in the field of Informatics, as an assignment in the course Basic Informatics Themes, in the Sound Processing section. The banner was created by the student Zourladani Irini. Responsible teacher was Gοudoura Anthi with a supportive role.You can watch the video clip of the radio message from the link



Ode to the Greeks of ’21

27 vasario 2021 22:00

Greece celebrates from end to end. It celebrates the right to freedom, the right to life. It pays tribute to the Greeks who sacrificed their Ego for the existence of Us. 1821- 2021, 200 years since the beginning of the revolution, 200 years of pride. T …