Production: Children will save the world
The song “Children will save earth” was created by the children of the 6th class in the context of the music lesson. There was a discussion about the recycling issue first, and then the kids, using the keywords we recorded, made quads that formed the lyrics of the song. They then experimented with their musical instruments to fit music into their lyrics. Their music teacher put restrictions on them to help: use up to 4 consecutive notes, repeat a note many times. The lyrics of the song follow:
1.Children will save Earth
in the future it will become the best
you won’t see rubbish again
if you recycle them
Environment and garbage don’t go together
we will do recycling from this moment
Metal, glass, aluminum, paper
right in the bin, not all together.
2. We will all recycle together
to enjoy the Earth pure
you will find green mountains everywhere
you will swim in blue seas.
Mokykla: Dimotiko Sxoleio Palaiometoho 2– Β΄Δημοτικό Σχολείο Παλαιομετόχου

Children will save the world
Mokykla: Dimotiko Sxoleio Palaiometoho 2The song “Children will save earth” was created by the children of the 6th class in the context of the music lesson. There was a discussion about the recycling issue first, and then the kids, using the keywords we recorded, made quads that formed the l …