Production: If every day


This production is a collaborative work of 15 Kindergarten schools participating in the eTwinning project “eTreeHuggers: 1,2,tree, Hug the trees with me”.
Each school chose a type of tree and completed the phrase ” If every day”. All the phrases combined together produced a collaborative story.
We recorded our phrases and then, voted for our favorite.That’s how this radio spot was created. Through the “eTreeHuggers” eTwininng project, students planted trees, and tried to protect them with various ways.



If every day

30 sausio 2020 22:00

This production is a collaborative work of 15 Kindergarten schools participating in the eTwinning project “eTreeHuggers: 1,2,tree, Hug the trees with me”. Each school chose a type of tree and completed the phrase ” If every day”. All the phrases combin …