Production: Educational Program “Kano Radiofono Sto ESR”

Kas 1 savaitę/savaites Penktadienis, 11:00
     14/12/2018 - 31/05/2019     


Live broadcast of the schools participating in the Educational Program “Kano Radiofono sto European School Radio” from TEI of Thessaloniki.



GEL Neos Marmaras

Mokykla: Eurοpean Schοοl Radiο
22 vasario 2019 09:00

GEL N. Marmaras participated for the first time in the Educational Program “I do radio on ESR” at Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, on Friday 22/02/2019 at 11:00 am on the subject of “Teens and Social Networks”

2nd Vocational School of Evosmos

Mokykla: Eurοpean Schοοl Radiο
8 vasario 2019 09:00

The group of pupils of the 2nd Professional High School of Evosmos, participating in the Erasmus + program of the school, will present to the listeners of EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO their experience of the trip to England and will inform you of “Active Agin …

2nd Vocational School of Evosmos

Mokykla: Eurοpean Schοοl Radiο
8 vasario 2019 09:00

The group of pupils of the 2nd Professional High School of Evosmos, participating in the Erasmus + program of the school, will present to the listeners of EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO their experience of the trip to England and will inform you of “Active Agin …