Podcast: Mousikes periplaniseis 2 EPAL ALIBERIOY
Greek songs with simple presentation by students.
Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ Αλιβερίου
Podcasts from same production

Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουForeign songs with simple presentation by students

Τraditional night.
Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουGreek folk songs with a simple presentation by the children.

Mousikes periplaniseis 2 EPAL ALIBERIOY
Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουForeign songs with simple presentation by students.

Mousikes periplaniseis 2 EPAL ALIBERIOY
Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουGreek songs with simple presentation by students.

Mousikes periplaniseis 2 EPAL ALIBERIOY
Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουForeign songs with simple presentation by students.

Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουGreek songs with simple presentation by students.

Mousikes periplaniseis 2 EPAL ALIBERIOY
Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑλιβερίουGreek songs with simple presentation by students.