Podcast: Let’s turn the nightmare into a fairy tale

The laughter of children, playing carefree like free birds, is peace.
Peace is the happy ending to every child’s story that parents read to their children when they are in their warm bed.
There is a child who has neither a bed nor a home, because they bombed it. This child does not go to school, he is holding a gun and he is shaking.
He doesn’t know what happened to his family.
At night, he sleeps in shelters and does not listen to fairy tales.
The child with the gun and clenched fists in fear, tears for the sunlight who may never see again.
Children in war zones mature quickly. They lose their childishness. Their concern is not the game but survival.
Why should young children experience the horrors of war?
Why should they be deprived of the most beautiful age in exchange for a gun?
Why should they be destined to certain death?
Why should dreams be destroyed?
Let’s join our voices against war to banish nightmares from childhood dreams.
So that all children have a warm bed and parents lull them with fairy tales.